About Us













 Prof. Dr. Ganesh Shankar
President of Asian Federation for Psychotherapy
Vice President-Yoga and Psychotherapy Association of India (YPAI)
Vice President-World Council for Psychotherapy (Asian Chapter)
Head of the Department of Human Consciousness and Yogic Science, 
Sagar University, Sagar-470003(M.P.)
Phone: 0091-7582 265539
Fax: 0091-7582 265802
Mobile: 09425656196

email: prof.ganeshshankar@yahoo and/or  








Ali Mohammad Goodarzi
Vice-president of the Asian Federation for Psychotherapy
Faculty member of Branch of Psychology,
Department of Humanities, the Academy of Sciences of Islamic Republic of Iran 

e-mail: goodarzi@idro.org





Prof. Chidda Giri-Ph.D. 
Vice President of Asian Federation for Psychotherapy
Founder President of Yoga and Psychotherapy Association of India (YPAI)

Certified Yoga and Psychotherapist of World Council for Psychotherapy

Director-Training and Research Centre for Yoga & Psychotherapy
Contacts for C.Giri's consultations:
Phone in the working days from 10.00 to 17.00: 8 (495) 675-15-63. 
In other time: 8-916-847-01-64

email: center@oppl.ru or manager@oppl.ru





Qian Mingyi, PhD
Chairman of the branch of Clinical and Counseling Psychology of Chinese Psychological Society 
Vice chairman of the branch of Psychotherapy and Counseling, Chinese Association of Mental Health 
Vice chairman and board member of the World Council for Psychotherapy
Vice-president of the Asian Federation for Psychotherapy
Department of Psychology
Peking University
Beijing, 100871 People's Republic of CHINA 
Tel: 86-10-62751093  Fax: 86-10-62761081  e-mail: qmy@pku.edu.cn





Prof. Yuji Sasaki, MD, PhD
Vice-president of the Asian Federation for Psychotherapy
Department of Psychology
Komazawa University, 1-2
Tsukuba University, Professor Emeritus
Komazawa University, 1-2
154-8525 Tokyo
Tel: +813 3418-9303
Fax: +813 3418-9126

e-mail: sasakiyj@nifty.comsasakiyj@komazawa-u.ac.jp





Dr. Edward WengLok Chan
D.Phil.(Psy), M.Sc.(Learning), B.Sc(Psy)(Hons)

Chair, WCPA 2015 
President, Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy







Prof. Viktor Makarov, MD

Vice President of Asian Federation for Psychotherapy
President of Professional Psychotherapeutic League of Russia
Head of department of psychotherapy, medical psychology and sexology, Russian Medical Academy for Post-Graduate Education
Contacts for V. Makarov's consultations:
Phone in the working days from 10.00 to 17.00: 8 (495) 675-15-63. 
In other time: 8-916-847-01-64
email: center@oppl.ru or manager@oppl.ru 
Websites: www.oppl.ruwww.viktormakarov.ruwww.travel





ZHAO Xudong, Prof. Dr. med.
Chairman of the branch of Psychotherapy and Counseling, Chinese Association of Mental Health 
Vice-Chairman of the branch of Clinical and Counseling Psychology of Chinese Psychological Society
Vice chairman and board member of the World Council for Psychotherapy
Chinese President of the German-Chinese Academy for Psychotherapy
Director of Department of Clinical Psychology of the Shanghai East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University
Shanghai, 200092
People's Republic of CHINA 
Tel: 86-21-65988874
Fax: 86-21-65988874
e-mail: zhaoxd@tongji.edu.cn